I want to start off by saying Thank You for all the lovely feedback after my last bunch of emails.
Honestly, I absolutely love the feedback 🙂  This may sound so silly,  but reaching out to people via email is something that I have resisted for so long. (Yeah! I know I share intimate details in my book and yeah, I have been featured in online publications talking about sex with my husband!) But for some reason hitting send on an email to someone feels way more personal! So, I thank you for allowing me to reach out to you in a very honest and real way.
Since I’m sharing my soul, here I wanted to let you in on some things that are going on in my life:
Emily and I spent the weekend in NYC. She took a 3+ hour Amtrak train ride from her college in Upstate NY to meet me in NYC for a health conference. I am so happy that I have this kind of relationship with my daughter — the kind of relationship where it’s super normal for an 18-year-old to want to spend time with her mom, and that I want to spend time with my teen.
What made the weekend extra special is that we celebrated Emily’s graduation from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition by attending their annual conference together. Emily came to me last year and said, “I’m really interested in learning what it takes for me to be really healthy and I want to attend IIN.” WOW!!! Is all I could say. I am so proud of her for making and empowering decision to learn all she can about health and wellness.
Although this picture is us at Universal Studios…you can get the idea of how much fun we were having!
If yes…keep at it! If not…what can you do today to include some FUN?
Let me know what kind of FUN you are up to.