Watch me on Long Island Naturally as I discuss the Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen. I know that eating organic can get expensive. You don’t have to eat all organic if you incorporate these lists into your grocery shopping.
Tune in here!
I was recently featured in Living Beyond Breast Cancer article,
Finding Calm: Using Meditation to Manage Cancer-Related Difficulties. Read on to learn how incorporating meditative breathing techniques helped me during my doctor’s visits.
I heart my life podcast:
How a Devastating Diagnosis Can Change Your Life for the Better. Tune into my recent podcast with host, Emily Williams. We discuss cancer, relationships, sex and everything in between. Tune in and watch
How Often Should You Wash Your Bra? You literally hold your bra close to your heart, but is it getting the care it needs to function at peak potential? How often should it be washed? And is too often as bad as too rarely? I was recently featured on On How It Works and gave my advice on bra maintenance. Make no mistake, bras don’t just serve a cosmetic purpose. Keeping them in good working order is important to breast health, too.
Long Island Naturally: Natural Beauty Products Some say natural beauty products are good for you and the environment. I am SO excited to have been featured on Long Island Naturally to promote Life On Mars Beauty Brand. This toxin-free make up and nail polish is not a trend – it is the future for strong, healthy and beautiful people, inside and out. Consider what you are using on your skin. Visit to sign up for our newsletter!
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Long Island Naturally: Healthy Snacks Some of these snacks are not only healthy for you but fill you up quicker. I am SO excited to have been featured on Long Island Naturally, once again, to promote healthy eating!
Watch Video to learn more about snacking healthy.
How often do you truly let your husband hold you? I’m not talking about a hug when you walk in the door, but a life-or-death hold you up kinda moment.
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5 Women Reveal What Happened When They Had Sex With Their Husbands Every Day For A Month My husband Frank and I were recently one of five couples challenged to commit to having sex every day for a month. Sex is one of the first things to go in a long-term relationship, even before couples quit saying “excuse me” after belching and picking up their smelly socks.
Read the full article to see how our experience with the challenge went!
Loss of appetite, weakness, nausea and hair loss are some of the terrible side effects of breast cancer treatment. But sex therapist Dr. Laura Berman and the author of “The Healthy Girl’s Guide to Breast Cancer,” Christine Egan say there are some surprising ways that breast cancer actually improved their sex life.
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How 17 Under-50 Women Learned They Had Breast Cancer – and What Helped Them Through It